Personalized prayer candles are available if you would like to light a candle to any of our Saints in the church with the name of the person (dead or alive) you’re praying for. Call the rectory if you are interested.
Eucharistic Adoration
Adoration Chapel in the rectory is open. Monday through Friday 10:00am to 4:00pm
- Monday – St. Rocco & St. John Paul II
- Tuesday – St. Anthony & Padre Pio
- ST ANTHONY & PADRE PIO NOVENA – We say St Anthony and Padre Pio Novena twice on Tuesdays at the 9am and 6:30pm masses. If you would like us to pray for your intentions but cannot be here to pray with us, we have envelopes in the back of the church; you can put your intentions on them and we will pray for you; just put the envelope in the Sunday collection basket.
- NOVENA DE SAN ANTONIO Y PADRE PIO – Actualmente hacemos la novena a San Antonio y el Padre Pio los martes en las misas de 9am y 6:30pm. Si desea que recemos por sus intenciones pero no puede estar presente para rezar con nosotros, coja uno de los sobres que tenemos a la entrada, escriba sus intenciones y nosotros rezaremos por ellas; sólo ponga el sobre en la canasta de las colectas del domingo.
- Wednesday – St. Jude & St. Therese the Little Flower
- Thursday – Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Friday – Sacred Heart & Holy Souls
- Saturday – Our Lady of Charity